- ntel® Core™ i3-1005G1 (4M Cache, up to 3.40 GHz)
- 14.0 HD (1366 x 768)
- Intel® UHD Graphics
- 4 GB DDR4
- 1 TB HDD
Dell Vostro 3401
355 JOD
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- To be eligible for Refund & Exchange, the product must has a factory defect and you have to return the product within 3 working days of receive with purchase receipt, then our repairing centre will check the product, if the product has a factory defect you will get a refund in cash within 48 Working Hours or you can get another product of the same cost.
- Refund and exchange policy will not apply if the product warranty is expired or void (1).
- Warranty of all products is 1 year.